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GODS : Rift of Immortality (2013)

Project year end executed during the 2nd year of Game Design Study in ISART Digital

1 player - Beat'em All / Tower Defense
3D game by adapting an old license and changing the gameplay. Thus, we return to the GODS game and we make a game where Hercules faces the warriors of other civilizations to bring the Source of Immortality on Mount Olympus.
The player plays Hercules and must bring the Source of Immortality from the begining to the end of each level. Hercules can attack in close combat and can throw axes to long distance attack. The Source has HP too, as Hercules. If one of those HP fall to 0, it's game over. 
The source spread around it an area which can protect Hercules from damages but reduce a lot his damage to ennemies. The Source must be also used to open door, activating enemies waves to destroy the Source.

I worked on : 


- Design of gameplay mechanics

- Design of Level Design

- Quality Tester

- HUD designer

- Relationship Manager between Game Designers et Game Artists

Game done in collaboration with Game Artists
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