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UX Experience

In addition to the notions studied during my studies as a designer, my knowledge and skills in UX design have developed around two experiences: professional and academic :
- At Vancouver Island University, i discovered the basis of the UX and UI Design and the logic behind the organisation of information on a document, a website page or a cellphone application.
- At Ekino, in a profesional context I was able to reinforce and deepen the bases acquired previously, while learning new elements and business processes. Moreover, it allowed me to put this knowledge into practice and in real conditions.
In the context of my studies in game design, this has allowed me to better understand the notion of user experience as well as the notion of empathy. But above all, to learn how to better transcribe it in different digital experiences, playful or not.
During my professional experience, my main goal was to think about and optimise the user experience on different projects, whether for clients or internally for the company. Even if due to my junior statue, I was mostly in support of the other members of the team to which I was attached, I had the opportunity to work on different parts and aspects of the projects.
Also, i worked  on various kind of projects, from the development of a new digital platform to the modification of a website in passing by the recast of internal tools. All those elements led me to meet and exchange with many customers and profiles , and in some case to work directly in their own offices with the development teams.
Then, I learned how to :
- Design a kick-off
- Select the most relevant tools for a User Research and a Design Thinking
- Organise and lead interview sessions
- Organise and lead a co-design workshop with the customers
- Design wireframes and how to present them
- Write design documents
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