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Serket's Tomb (2016)

Video game executed for the end of the 2nd year of Game Design Study at ICAN

Developped with JESUHA Florian, PANAK Volodia and PATRIER Henri

4 players - Arcade / Party game
A team of 3 robots has been sent into an old planet for an archeology mission. In discovering an old temple, they begin their excavation work. But they didn't have a clue that they have woken up an old guardian, which is not really happy to see intruders ...
The players playing the 3 robots, the preys, must explore the arena and to scan each parts to find the 4 objects to collect to win the game. When they use the scan, the release a signal of the predator. The only way to defend is to use a booster to get away.
The player playing the guardian robot, the predator, is invisible to the prey, appearing only at the last moment before attacking. He has also the ability to destroy walls and doors to use ambush tactics. When he touch a prey, the prey is destroyed. Also, he can't see the prey, only feel the signals that the preys release.

I worked on : 


- Game Design

- Data managing

- Graphic Design

Capture (2).PNG
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