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Des Hommes avant tout (2020)


Graduation project of my Master of Game Design at ICAN

Developped with WANG Sijia

1 player - Serious Game
For our end-of-master's degree project, we had to carry out a project with the themes of the dissertations... Our choice was an educational Serious Game, based on the First World War and mainly the first Battle of the Somme in 1916.
« I introduce myself, Captain Favourier, a newcomer to the front line, in charge of holding a French trench with my men. Des Hommes avant tout, tells the story of my company, my story... during the terrible Battle of the Somme in 1916.
Through this playful experience, discover the trenches, how the soldiers lived there, as well as my role as an officer and my relationship with them.
Finally, learn more about the history of this war and battle through several interactive objects and documents. So come, put on my uniform and discover my history. »
The player embodies an avatar who can navigate between several scenes in a closed universe. Neither he nor the camera can move, but can zoom in/out and interact with elements in the game space in order to move on to the next scenes.

I worked on : 


- Game Design

- UX/UI Design

- Narration

- Sound Design


You can watch the trailer here

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