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Emergency (2012)


Board game executed at the end of the 1st year of Game Design Study in ISART Digital

Developped with EVRA Nicolas, SINNATHAMBY Dimitri and TRAN Alex for the Game Design part

Developped with ACCORSI Alex, ADAM Benjamin, LAGRANGE Hugo, MASSET clement and STRZYKALA Mathieu for the Game Art part

4 players - Survival / cooperation
You play the part of a crew member on a ship in distress.
The players must cooperate to solve the damage of the spaceship and return to Earth in less than 15 laps ! The players must use Actions Points to move or to realize actions. Each characters have personal powers to help them. 
Each turn, new problems appear inside the spaceship. The problems brins malus on the ships and have effects on the ability of the ship to join Earth. So more there are problems and more the ship is slow, blocking the possiblity for the players to win
I worked on : 


- Design of gameplay mechanics

- Chara Designer

- Design of many cards of the game


Received the "Best Gameplay Award", gave by the school
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